
Avatar for Austin DeSisto

The Aurora wasn’t even the coolest part

aurora, new hampshire, solar storm

As the sun began to set Friday evening, I sat on the quad in front of our library playing with friends and observing the sparse clouds glow with an incredible orange bloom. The moon, only a small crescent, began to appear above a large tree. It was cold, but a nice Friday evening after a long week of classes and projects. Throughout the day I posted to Instagram and Twitter, sharing the hope that we, in Exeter, New Hampshire, would see the aurora borealis tonight. Only a few friends took interest as I showed them photos from across Europe. Some took an interest in the science and asked how and when we could see them.

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Maui Fires: Satellite Imagery from Planet Labs reveals devastation

Earlier today, Planet Labs released comparison imagery of the town of Lahaina on the island of Maui in Hawaii. Void of its typically lush green landscape, photos and videos from the ground have revealed the devastation and deeply personal, emotional, and cultural effects. Now, we get to see the widespread and visual destruction from thousands of kilometers up.

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The latest flyby views of Mercury, from BepiColombo

bepicolombo, mercury

Just hours ago, the teams operating BepiColombo, Europe and Japan’s mission to travel to and orbit Mercury, released images from the spacecraft’s third flyby of the closest planet to our sun. With each pass, the spacecraft gets closer, takes more images, and reveals never-before-seen views of the elusive rocky surface.

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Ariane 5 lives on, at least for a little bit longer

ariane 5 final launch

The end of an era is just around the corner with the final launch of Ariane 5, a heavy-lift launch that has delivered the most revered of payloads to a range of orbits. Famously, Ariane 5 launched the James Webb Space Telescope on Christmas Day in 2021. The 117th flight has been delayed, extending the rocket’s final moments on Earth.

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Photos: Starship pad damage; Elon says 1-2 months until next flight

While Thursday’s inaugural flight of Starship brought excitement, incredible images, and a roar to South Texas, it also tossed concrete miles away (and at vans). Numerous leaked images, aerial photos, and ocean-based photos have revealed the extensive damage to Stage 0. Everything you need to see has been compiled into one article.

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How close is SpaceX’s Starship to launching?

The FAA is expected to release the launch license for Starship as early as today. Reports from Christian Davenport, a reporter for The Washington Post, have stated that the license is nearly ready, barring some environmental concerns and a legal review. A strategy could come into play as to when the license is actually granted due to environmental activists attempting to halt the launch.

Edit: Road closure canceled for April 10.

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